Tuesday, March 7, 2023

How does a keyword tool work?

A keyword tool is a useful content marketing tool for website owners looking to improve traffic or visibility on search engine results pages. In short, it can help you to find the best keywords to target in order to boost your website and/or content.

These tools come in many forms, such as Google AdWords Keyword Planner, Moz Keyword Explorer, WordStream Keyword Tool, and more. Regardless of the tool you choose, they generally work the same way. Here's how they work:

First, you enter a keyword or phrase that describes your website's topic or focus. For example: "car review". The keyword tool generally gives you back lists of relevant keywords related to that topic with data surrounding search volume, competition and relevance.

From there, you can compare various keywords to determine which one you want to prioritize for targeting on your website or content. For example: "SUV review" might have more search volume than "truck review" but higher competition for ranking so it might be better for editorial content creation rather than an SEO focus.

In addition to the data from the initial keyword entered into the tool, most tools provide additional helpful information such as related keywords and phrases you may want to consider targeting as well as possible negative matches that should be excluded from SEO targeting (or conversely possible negative matches that might be beneficial in editorial campaigns).

The insight provided by these keyword tools can give webmasters an advantage when creating SEO focused content while also providing guidance on which angle they should take when crafting editorial pieces - increasing chances of success across the board.

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